This website is managed by ETAS TRAVEL LEGAL, a licensed U.S. Law Firm. This website is NOT affiliated with any United States governmental agency.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

About this website

This website is operated by a private company not associated with any governments. All services and information provided by our company is for the purpose of assisting travellers applying for a travel authorization (ESTA) in order to visit the USA. When you visit our website you automatically consent to the terms of our Privacy Policy.


The information we collect

Only information provided by you on a voluntary basis when you complete the application form is collected by our company. We require this information as it is necessary to process your travel authorization application. The information you provide will only be used in order to process your application. Our company will not use it for any other purposes unless legally required to do so. Your information will be deleted from our database six months after processing has been concluded.


Under certain circumstances, you may be required to agree explicitly in order to allow specified items of data to be processed. If such processing is required, you will be informed by our company, and we will request your consent. You consent to the data processing immediately upon pressing the appropriate button or making the appropriate mark on the form.


We utilize a web analysis tool in order to improve our services, optimize the site, and better understand the actions of users when visiting the site. Data we collect using this tool includes any visitors’ type of browser, screen resolution, time of visit, referring site and other non-identifying data. Under certain circumstances, we may transmit this data to third parties in other countries for the purposes of evaluation. When you use our website, you automatically consent to all such collecting, processing, and transmission of this data.


Removing your personal information after submitting it to this site

You are able to request in writing that we remove any information provided as part of an ESTA application at any time by contacting our customer service department at [email protected]. If you do send such a request, your personal information will immediately be deleted. Additionally, your email message (including both content and contact information) is automatically deleted after 90 days. Should you wish to have an email message deleted earlier than the 90 day period, please send us a request to do so via email and we will fulfil your request immediately on receipt of your email.


Sharing of information

The only time we might share your information is if we are legally required to provide some user information or individual access information related to law enforcement agency, court of law, or other government agency in response to their request, subpoena, or court order.


We do not share your information for any marketing or other purpose.


Links to external domains

On our site there are some outgoing links to other sites for the purpose of providing visitors with additional information about our services and to introduce sites we recommend. The fact that we provide these links, however, does not mean that we approve of or endorse the content, services or products offered by those sites. Should you follow the links, we cannot be held liable for any way you may utilise those sites, or for any content they include. When visiting the site of any third party provider, we strongly recommend you read their terms and conditions thoroughly.


“In some instances, visitors may arrive at our site via a link provided by a third party. In this instance, we cannot be held liable for the way the other site is utilised or for its content. We recommend you read the site’s terms and conditions thoroughly. Any third party sites with links to are not offered by us, and are not within the control of our company. In instances where we do link to third-party sites, we make every attempt to ensure that those sites are not in violation of any legal requirements. However, it is not possible to conduct continual or permanent reviews of the status of such sites, and it would be unreasonable to expect us to do so. Any links we allow are with sites we cannot detect to have been in violation of any legal requirements. Should we detect such violations, all measures would be taken immediately in order to remedy the situation.”


Site security

We only use HTTP over SSL – Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS) – in order to ensure the highest possible security for our site. This allows our visitors to securely enter personal information and make credit card payments. Should you come across a site that displays only HTTP rather than HTTPS in the address section of your browser, we highly recommend that you do not enter in any credit card details or personal information on that site. Our site adheres to the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), an industry standard for businesses that accept online payments via credit card. Every month, we scan our databases and systems and our website in order to maintain compliance with PCI DSS.


Changes to these policies

Changes to this Privacy Policy and its content may change at any time when circumstances require. The date any changes were made will be visible to visitors on the Privacy Policy page.


The Directive on ePrivacy

We adhere to the Data Protection Act of 2018, which outlines the requirements for companies regarding customer privacy protection and the manner in which all personal data is processed.


Last updated: October 3 – 2023